Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ally McBeal

I spent my weekend watching Season 1 of Ally McBeal, a cheesy for some but witty show to my taste.  Each episode has quotable quotes that made me laugh and at the same time, cry because they definitely strike home.

Ally McBeal is the ambassador of romanticism.  Despite of the paradoxical and harsh realities, she still believes in romance (in capital letters).    There may be painful realities attached to romanticism but we cannot still deny the fact that some of our best memories were created by romance.

I concur with Ally McBeal.

I had and have my fair share of romanticism’s sting but I continue to hope and believe in it.   I still believe in

ingat’s on simple post-it notes,
luv u’s on text messages, and
cheesy messages on jurassic greeting cards. 

And, I still believe in
red roses,
balloons, and

I am not ashamed to admit that I still have faith in these things because they, on way or another, make our world a better place to live in.  

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