You’re pretty.
When someone sincerely says these words, rock bottom spirits are suddenly lifted high and suddenly, everything becomes colorful again.
It feels nice when a person admires you despite of the few but huge breakouts on your face and dark rings around your eyes. And, it feels good when someone notices you not because of the academic achievements attached to your name.
Yes sometimes, it feels great when someone appreciates your face instead of your brains. Because at those times, you’re just a girl with a pretty face.
It makes you realize that you can be a head-turner, if you want to. Somehow, all the insecurities of being undervalued and being taken for granted vanish because of the realization that in the eyes of someone, you are not just a plain girl with brains after all.
It is an incredible feeling, indeed… J
Journal Entry 03 July 2009
awww :)